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Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
How to Get Rid of Shin Splints Fast - Read It Now!
Many people are interested in knowing how to get rid of shin splints, and this is nothing but normal. It could be caused by the overuse of the muscles, and it explains why athletes are more prone to it than most people.
Neglecting to stretch before strenuous exercises could also cause this condition. However, it could also be caused by a condition which is known as overpronation. Overpronation is when a person has flat feet, marked by the absence of the arch on the sole of the feet. Whatever the cause may be, shin splints could be very painful, and it is the reason why many people want to treat it as immediately as they could.
Shin splints, also known as the Tibial stress syndrome, very rarely presents as a medical condition in itself. Commonly, shin splints are caused by something else that is wrong within the body. Finding out what the cause is could be a long diagnostic process. In the meantime, you'd have to learn how to get rid of shin splints.
1. Rest should be your best friend if you want to heal your shins. Healing them by not using them is one of the most effective home remedies for shin splints. If you try to use them while you are trying to heal it at the same time, there could be serious effects and damages to your shins. If it wouldn't kill you, don't even try to walk and don't even try to exercise. If permanent damage is brought on to the shins, it would even be harder for you to go through everyday life.
2. Pain is one of the most annoying results of a shin splint. You might want to use cold compress on where the pain presents. Simply place the cold compress on the affected areas for 20-30mins. Do this every day until the pain goes away.
3. Hot compress could also help in healing, though there would be pain when you direct the blood on your shins. The healing process could be sped up by applying hot compress to the affected area. Limit this to 10-15mins. every day. If you don't want to use hot compress, you could massage the affected area very carefully. This could condition the muscles and it could bring relief.
4. Massage Therapy can also be used to get rid of shin splints. This can helps to improve flexibility, reduce inflammation, relieve muscle tension, spasms and pain. Apply a generous amount of BIOFREEZE to affected areas and massage gently. BIOFREEZE is natural analgesic product that helps relieve back pain, arthritis pain, sore muscles, strain, sore joints, stiff muscles, neck pain and other aches and pains.
5. Mild damages to the shin might heal in four days of resting. If you think you're ready, do not go and dive again into our strenuous exercises. For a week or so, subject yourself only to stretching and light exercises. On the other hand, severe damages t the shins might require that you go and see a doctor. Serious damages could affect the shin in more ways you could ever imagine, and physical therapy would be needed in these times.
Now that you know how to get rid of shin splints, the next thing you might want to know is how to get rid of it. One tip: take care and do not overexert yourself, or you'd be lying in bed with a serious medical condition before you know it.
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Friday, November 25, 2011
4 Tips on Peripheral Neuropathy You Can Use Today
Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition where the nerves lose their ability to conduct efficiently and ends up with either numbness in the lower extremity or persistent pain and burning. Too often, those suffering with peripheral neuropathy had been told that there is little or nothing that can be done. Fortunately, as time progresses, there is a continually better understanding of this condition and an improvement in treatments. We will outline the four most effective.
1. Microvascular Therapy: It has been well documented that even in cases where the main arteries are bringing adequate blood flow down the limb, the microvascular circulation, the small tributaries, are not as well functioning. This is particularly true in people with diabetes. Microvascular therapy is achieved through a unit similar to a physical therapy modality. The unit is distributed by Neurovasix and is called Microvas. It is a non-invasive treatment not requiring any medication and has no side effects. The treatment involves a digital wave that causes angiogenesis, the reperfusion of capillaries, which brings more oxygenated blood to the nerves. Patients often feel a dramatic increase in sensation. Some cases report full resolution of peripheral neuropathy symptoms. It has been well documented that people with diabetes suffer from microvascular deficiency and is the primary cause of neuropathy. For that reason, microvascular therapy is much more effective in people with diabetes.
2. Benfotiamine: A bioactive form of Thiamine, Benfotiamine, is a nutrient that is deficient in many people suffering with peripheral neuropathy. A common brand name of Benfotiamine is Neuremedy. Thiamine, Vitamin B1, is essential for the nervous system to function properly. It is difficult to maintain adequate levels of Thiamine through diet alone. Benfotiamine works to nourish the nerves and reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy. After taking Benfotiamine, people can notice a change in their peripheral neuropathy symptoms anywhere from several days to two months after first taking it. For those who it is effective for, it is important to continue to take the supplement. Benfotiamine has been used in Europe since the 1960s and has been proven to be safe and effective.
3. Topical Analgesics: When it comes to peripheral neuropathy, much focus is spent on the oral pharmaceuticals to manage the discomfort. These medications, Neurontin, Cymbalta, Lyrica, and others are often prescribed and heavily advertised on television. These medications are often effective, but the side effects can be debilitating. So many people overlook a topical analgesic. If someone's neuropathy presents as a constant burning pain, why not put out the fire? Now not all analgesics are created equal and each should be used at the proper time. If someone is feeling that burning pain, you don't want to counter that with a topical that will make the feet burn more! Put out the fire with a topical analgesic that provides a cold, soothing sensation. The most popular of these products is called Biofreeze. Biofreeze contains Ilex, an herbal extract of a holly shrub in South Africa. Biofreeze provides a cooling sensation. Beware of "Icy" topical that have a heat component afterwards. For a neuropathy that presents with a numbing effect, then a heat component works better. Capsin, and other ointments that contain capcaisin, provides a burning sensation that stimulates the nerves and can moderate the numbness. No matter which is appropriate to use, please be sure that you wash your hands afterwards. If you touch your eyes...ouch!
4. Shoes are Important! With all the discomfort with peripheral neuropathy, it probably is best just to go barefoot, right? WRONG!! For one, the feet must be protected. If someone with peripheral neuropathy has a decrease in sensitivity, as most do, then that person is putting their limbs at risk by not wearing shoes. A foot that does not have full sensitivity cannot be expected to feel what it steps on. This will, at best, cause a lack of balance and, at worst, cause a foreign body to embed into the foot, which can become infected and lead hospitalization or amputation. When looking for a shoe, the sole is most important. A sturdy rubber sole is the best way to protect the foot from foreign objects. If enclosing the foot proves to be too uncomfortable, a looser fitting shoe or sandal can work well also.
It is true that nothing will help everyone. But someone who suffers from peripheral neuropathy will tell you that even a slight reduction in pain may let them get to sleep at night and be more productive during their day. Most cities have support groups and resources for peripheral neuropathy. It is definitely worth going, hear experts speak about it, and network with other people who understand how you feel.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Help For Sciatica - Here's How to Eradicate That Pain Using Ice & Heat Packs Effectively!
Getting help for sciatic is very possible and if this is what you seek, then you have arrived at the right spot on the internet.
Sciatica is a very painful condition which actually is not a condition in itself, but a result of a condition known as sciatic nerve pain or a pinched sciatic nerve. A pinched sciatic nerve comes about due to the inflammation of the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerves.
There are many reasons why this may occur and they include, but are not limited to, the following; chronic pain, back pain, chronic inflammation, back aches, psychological effects of acute nerve irritation, excruciating back pain, among others.
Be that as it may, this article will look at how you can make use of heat or ice packs to effectively alleviate your sciatic nerve pain. I understand that these methods have been bastardized extensively online, but the truth is that not only are they effective, but if used and applied correctly they can be awesome for combating your condition.
TIP: At the end of this article, you will discover a way to access information that thousands of people worldwide constantly use to cure their sciatica daily. This method is very popular and effective. Read to the end to find out what it is...
For now we will focus on how to use ice packs okay?...Great!
First and foremost, there are times when making use of ice and heat packs can be most effective. These times include; when the sciatic pain is most intense and the surrounding muscles are inflamed - not many people know this.
If, alternatively, there is no inflammation but the muscles are mildly sore, you should make use of heat packs to relieve the pain in and around that area. Make sure that you only do this when there is no inflammation so as not to aggravate your condition.
If you are not sure or certain, you should only apply the heat after a couple of days from the day you first felt the sciatic nerve pain.
Ice contains anti inflammatory properties and that is why it is very effective as a natural way to alleviate back pain. While this is a fact, it is also a fact that application of an ice pack can be quite uncomfortable. Be encouraged to use and ice pack as the gain or benefit far outweighs the discomfort.
Whatever you do, make certain that you do not apply the ice or heat directly to your skin. If you do so it will result in skin tissue damage and you already have more than enough on your plate as it is.
Apply the heat or ice pack on the affected area for about 20 minutes; pause for about 30 minutes - this is one session. Repeat this session for about four times daily.
Something else that many people are not aware of is that the application of ice packs and heat packs after just having applied topical pain relievers like Theragesic, Ben Gay, Biofreeze, or Icy Hot is not recommended at all! Always wait for the effects of the analgesics to wear off before using an ice or heat pack.
The truth is that while this method is very effective in alleviating your back pain, it would not guarantee that that pain won't reoccur at a later date in future. To access a proven method for completely eradicating that sciatica forever, read on and follow the instructions below...
FACT: Most conventional treatments for sciatica only work as a temporary band aid solution; they all fail to work in the long run!
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Friday, November 18, 2011
Biofreeze Pain Relief 1 Gallon Pump Bottle
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Post Date : Nov 18, 2011 10:30:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

For use in treatment rooms or home use. BIOFREEZE was created by Dr. Danné King, an internationally known botanical chemist. BIOFREEZE contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub. ILEX is used around the world in various health and wellness formulations. The result is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever. BIOFREEZE can effectively help relieve pain from sore muscles, muscle sprains, back, shoulder, neck pain, arthritis, painful ankle, knee, hip and elbow joints, and muscular strains. Use BIOFREEZE to relieve pain prior to ultrasound treatments, massage therapy, soft tissue trigger point therapy, rehabilitation exercises and pre and post workout stretching.
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